Punks and Poetesses

Women Onstage in the Long 18th Century

"A woman write a play! Out upon it, out upon it, for it cannot be good..."

~ Margaret Cavendish's "Bell in Campo"

Friday, December 01, 2006

Farewell, Thalia's Daughters

"Now, let us take our leave of plots and story-telling, if you please..."
~Joanna Baillie's The Tryal

So we're down to our last class of Women Onstage in the Long 18th Century... it's been fun guys, thanks for a lot of good discussions (and digressions)! I look forward to our upcoming private theatrical, in which Brenna will play a hobo on a balcony.

...I just realized that in my last post it sounds like Frances Burney had a sexual attraction to paper! That's not what I meant!